Curriculum vitae and publications

October10, 2011


Olli Stålström

Education and special courses

Employment and activities

Language skills


Technical publications and theses

  1. Stalstrom, O.W. (1969) The complexity of decoders for iterated Hamming code decoders. Research Report (NASA Grant 40-002-082/2). Brown University, Division of Engineering, Providence, R.I., USA, 1969.
  2. Stålström, Olli (1973) Neuron models in associative data processing (MSc thesis in computer sciences and artificial intelligence, in Finnish). Helsinki University of Technology, Department of theoretical physics, under professor Teuvo Kohonen, 1973.

Sociological publications and theses

(Original language title indicated in brackets)

  1. Sievers, Kai and Stålström, Olli (eds.) (1984) Many faces of love (Rakkauden monet kasvot). On homosexual love, human rights and liberation (in Finnish, basic book of lesbian and gay lifestyles), Espoo: Weilin + Göös
  2. Stålström, Olli (ed.) (1987) Aids in a matter-of-fact way (Aids asiallisesti) (in Finnish, basic book on the medical and psycho-social aspects of aids). Helsinki: Gaudeamus.
  3. Stålström, Olli (1988) The aids phenomenon as a moral panic. A comparison between Finland and Australia. MSocSci thesis in sociology. Helsinki University. Department of Sociology. (in Finnish).
  4. Stålström, Olli (1997) The end of the sickness label of homosexuality (PhD dissertation in sociology, in Finnish). University of Kuopio
  5. Huotari, Kari, Lehtonen, Jukka and Stålström, Olli (1998) Final report of the first phase of the EU-funded male sex survey. Helsinki: Finnish Aids Council.

Sociological publications in chronological order

(Original language title indicated in brackets)

  1. Stålström, Olli (1962): Forum '62. In high school in the America of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King. Veikko, 1962 (in Finnish)
  2. Stålström, O. (1977) Homosexuality - love or disorder? A study of the sickness label of homosexuality (in Finnish). Medisiinari, 1977, 6, 18-24.
  3. Stålström, O. (1977) Homosexuality - the myth of self-destruction. Paper presented for the IX IASP Congress (Helsinki, June 20-23, 1977) (in English). SETA, 1977, 3, 15-22.
  4. Ross, M.W. and Stålström, O. (1979) Exorcism as psychiatric treatment: a case study. Archives of sexual behavior, 1979, 8(4), 379-393 (in English).
  5. Stålström, O (1980) Querulous paranoia: diagnosis and dissent. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 1980, 14, 145-150 (in English).
  6. Stålström, O (1982) Homosexuality - the myth of self-destruction (in Swedish). In Hansson, J. Homosexuella och omvärlden. Stockholm: LiberFörlag, 1982.
  7. Sievers, Kai, Stålström, O (1982) Entry Homosexuality in the Great Home Medical Library. Tapiola: Weilin + Göös (in Finnish), 1982, 16.
  8. Stalstrom, Olli (1984) Profiles in courage. Problems of action of the Finnish gay movement in crisis (in English). In Social movements and social conflicts. Working papers in European Criminology n:o 5. Hyytiala: European Group for the study of Deviance and Social Control, 1984, 49-61
  9. Grönfors, M. and Stålström, O. (1985) Ethical Aspects of the production and dissemination of information on aids. In The state of information. Cardiff: European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control, 1985, 6, 135-150 (in English).
  10. Stålström, O. and Sievers, K. (1984) The professional helper and the homosexual client (in Finnish). Status, 1984, 6, 6-10.
  11. Ross, M.W. and Stålström, O.W. (1986) Attitudes to venereal disease clinics in Finnish homosexual men (in English). European Journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 1984, 1, 169-171.
  12. Stålström, O. and Grönfors, M. (1986) Internment of information? On different strategies for containing the aids crisis. In Rolston, B. and Tomlinson, M. (eds.) The expansion of European prison systems. Belfast: The European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control, 1986, 241-224.
  13. Grönfors, M. and Stålström, O. (1987) Power, prestige, profit: aids and the oppression of homosexual people (in English). Acta Sociologica, 1987, (30), 1, 53-66.
  14. Ross, M.W., Paulsen, J.A., Stålström, O.W. (1988) Homosexuality and mental health: a cross-cultural review. In Ross, M.W. (ed.) The treatment of homosexuals with mental health disorders. New York NY: Harrington Park Press, 1988, 131-152.
  15. Stålström, O. and Lithén, O. (1988) Aids in Finland. (in English). In Breum, M. and Hendriks, A. Aids and human rights. Copenhagen: Akademisk Forlag, 1988, 46-54.
  16. Stålström, O. (1989) Overcoming the fear of homosexuality (in Finnish). Medisiinari, 1989, 5, 8-14.
  17. Stålström, Olli (1990) Entry Homosexuality (in Finnish). In The Finnish Medical Centre, volume 2. Espoo: Weilin+Göös, 1990.
  18. Heikkinen, Teppo and Stålström, Olli (1991) Normative teaching about homosexuality causes discrimination (in Finnish). Psykologia 1991, 6, 478-485.
  19. Stålström, Olli (1995) The origin of the sickness label of homosexuality and its psychoanalytical interpretations (in Finnish). In Terveyden lähteillä. Helsinki: Suomen historiallinen seura, 1995, 373-395.
  20. Huotari, Kari and Stålström, Olli (1995) Finland faces aids (in Finnish). UNESCO Kuriiri 7/1995, 39-40.
  21. Stålström, O. Entry Homosexuality in The Finnish medical centre, volume 2, (in Finnish). Espoo: Weilin+Göös, 1996.
  22. Stalstrom, Olli (1996) Bieber is alive and well and living in Finland! Association of Gay and Lesbian Psychiatrists newsletter 1996, volume xxii (2)10, 5-7.
  23. Stålström, Olli (1996) Homosexuality and psychiatry in peripheral cultures. Paper presented at the X World Congress of Psychiatry, Madrid, August 23-28, 1996. Unpublished congress paper in English.
  24. A self-hate movement of "reparative therapy". A sociological study of a movement to re-pathologise homosexuality. Paper presented at the RFSL Nordic Conference on Lesbian and Gay Health, Stockholm, June 17-18, 1996. Unpublished conference paper in English.
  25. Stålström, Olli, Lindblom, Bengt and Frazier, Mia (1996) (eds.) From panic to positive life (in Finnish). Helsinki: Finnish Aids Council.
  26. Stålström, Olli, Lindblom, Bengt and Frazier, Mia (1997) (eds.) Finnish Journal of Aids Work Vol. 1/1977 (in Finnish). Helsinki: Finnish Aids Council.
  27. Stålström, Olli and Haldeman, Douglas C. (1997) The re-pathologisation of homosexuality in Europe and the United States: scientific, ethical and cultural implications. Presentation given at a symposium arranged by AGLP in connection with the APA Annual Conference, San Diego, May 17, 1997.
  28. Stålström, Olli (1997) A tribute to Evelyn Hooker. Association of Gay and Lesbian Psychiatrists newsletter, 1997, volume XXIII (1), 4.
  29. Stålström, Olli (1997) The gay and lesbian movement 1897-1997. Association of Gay and Lesbian Psychiatrists newsletter, 1997, volume XXIII (2), 7- 9.
  30. Stålström, Olli (1999) The beginnings and ends of the gay male category (In Finnish). In Lehtonen, Jukka (ed.) Homo fennicus, Helsinki: Ministry of Health and Social Affairs.
  31. Stålström, Olli and Nissinen, Jussi (2000) Seksuaalinen tasavertaisuus edistää seksuaalista hyvinvointia (Sexual equality promotes sexual health). In Kontula, Osmo and Lottes, Ilsa. Seksuaaliterveys Suomessa (Sexual Health in Finland). Helsinki: Tammi.
  32. Stålström, Olli and Nissinen, Jussi (2000) SETA: Finnish gay and lesbian movement's fight for sexual and human rights. In Lottes, Ilsa and Kontula, Osmo (editors) New views on sexual health. The case of Finland. Helsinki: The Family Federation of Finland (Väestöliitto).
  33. Stålström, Olli och Nissinen, Jussi (2000) De historiska rötterna till den finska rörelsen för bögar och lesbianer (SETA). (The historical roots of the Finnish gay and lesbian movement) (in Swedish). Lambda Nordica 2/2000.
  34. Stålström, Olli and Nissinen, Jussi (2003a) Homosexuality in Finland: The Decline of Psychoanalysis' Illness Model of Homosexuality. [An abridged English-language version of my PhD dissertation]. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Psychotherapy, 7(1/2), 75-91.
  35. Stålström, Olli and Nissinen, Jussi (2003b) The Spitzer Study and the Finnish Parliament. [Analysis of the psychiatric aspects of the parliamentary debate on the civil union legislation, Autumn 2001). Journal of Gay & Lesbian Psychotherapy, 7(3), 83-95.
  36. Stålström, Olli (2003d) Helmi helped me help myself [autobiographical article about recovery from depression]. (Helmi auttoi minua auttamaan itseäni). Helmi, 2003, 1, 21-23).
  37. Stålström, Olli (2004a) The atlas of depression gives hope. (Review of Andrew Solomon's Noonday Demon. (Masennuksen atlas antaa toivoa). Helmi, 2004, 1, 22-23).
  38. Stålström, Olli (2004b) Helmi in the World Network of Psychiatric Users and Survivors. (Helmi mielenterveyskuntoutujien maailmanverkostossa). Helmi, 2004, 3, 12-13).
  39. Stålström, Olli (2004c) The many faces of depression (Masennuksen monet kasvot)[Book review]. Helmi, 2004, 4, 22.
  40. Stålström, Olli (2004d) Alternatives to nagging, begging and threatening. [Book review of a book for the loved ones of alcohol misusers], Helmi, 2004, 23.
  41. Stålström, Olli (2005a) Stigma signs have partially a Christian origin (Stigmat, häpeämerkit ovat osin kristillistä perua). Labyrintti, 2005, 1, 9-11.
  42. Stålström, Olli (2005b) An almost perfect books about psychiatric drugs (Lähes täydellinen kirja lääkkeistä). Helmi, 2005, 1, 22-23.
  43. Stålström, Olli (2005c) "Nothing about us withous us". About the Conference of WHO European Health Ministers in Helsinki in January 2005 ("Ei mitään meistä ilman meitä. WHO:n Euroopan terveysministerien konferenssi Helsingissä tammikuussa 2005". Helmi, 2005, 1, 28-29.
  44. Stålström, Olli (2005d) The portrait of a human rights fighter (Interview) (Ihmisoikeustaistelijan muotokuva). Helmi, 2005, 1, 4-6.